format contract

美 [ˈfɔːrmæt ˈkɑːntrækt]英 [ˈfɔːmæt ˈkɒntrækt]
  • 格式合同
format contractformat contract
  1. The law system of format contract ;


  2. Other ways to control the format contract ;


  3. On Analysis of the Value of Format Contract and Its Legal Regulation


  4. The design of standard format contract .


  5. Thesis about the Working Rule of Exception Clause in Format Contract


  6. A format contract on the net is a specially written form contract .


  7. In fact , the important reason of many disputes in tourism is tourism format contract .


  8. The administrative control is a very important method of format contract control because of its priority , flexibility and validity .


  9. Therefore chapter 2 discusses the format contract . ( 1 ) The net format contract 's actuality ;


  10. Format Contract Clause and Its Regulation


  11. In legislative system legislative control to format contract shall be divided into the control by general law and the control by special law .


  12. The legislative control refers to the controlling ways to regulate drawbacks of format contract by stipulating related law .


  13. Format contract as a breakthrough of liberal a contract , ought to representative within the category in contract control .


  14. Format contract is beneficial to reduce of transactional cost and civil circulation with its Briefness and convenience .


  15. The enterprises that provide format contract may get rid of complicated contractual negotiations and put more energy into the operation and management of enterprises .


  16. Legislative control is a basic way to solve drawbacks of format contract , and it is the basis for other controlling ways to exist .


  17. On the net , because the operator is impossible to sign the contract with each consumer , the format contract is used extensively .


  18. The legislative control to format contract , there are two aspects that need to be considered , one is the legislative system , another is core content of legislation .


  19. A voyage charter party format contract can improve the trade activities efficiency , economize the contracting time and cost and improve the flexibility of trade .


  20. Particularly discuss currently advantage the format contract used by square to minority square the invasion of the rights and to the law adjustment of format contract .


  21. With the fact of rapid development of the tourism and a growing number of tourism disputes , I think the research for tourism format contract has important theoretical and practical significance .


  22. Although the party who provides format contract cannot force the other party to accept format clause , the other party always has no choice but to accept this clause .


  23. Due to a voyage charter party format contract itself and the parties concerned business level and negotiation ability of constrains , a format contract may bring various trade risks .


  24. Shopping online is digital , trans-regional decided to online shopping contract by the online operators for the unspecific majority formulation . Is a kind of format contract .


  25. Compared with the other contract clauses , the format contract clause has striking characteristics and functional advantages . It is adaptive in every economic activity and has drawn the legislative attention of all countries .


  26. Format contract from now on play of the role is more and more important , the scope of format contract will extend further , the function is also not only only limited by contract scope inside .


  27. In this circumstance , the party who provides format contract always makes use of its superiority of position to set unfair clauses in format contract , which may infringe upon counterpart 's interests .


  28. This kind of injustice makes format contract during the trade in unstable factors appear in large Numbers , leading to the performance risk , the rise of the final cause of transaction costs a lot of waste .


  29. After the founding of the highly centralized planned economic system in the largely exclude competition in the market , because the government intervention , many industry formed scale monopoly , make format contract began has been widely used .


  30. Format contract is how to realize the efficiency ? Infringement of the principle of fair format contract mechanism . We should be based on the principle of contract what format for regulation ? This is urgent problems at present .
